Tuesday, July 17, 2018

100th Birthday of the Nelson Mandela

Today is the 100th birthday of the South African  freedom fighter, leader ,and president of South Africa (1994-1999) .He was born in 18 July 1918. He started his life in Mvezo which is his bron place .His parents ware illiterate , but his mother send him school. His father become die .and Mandela's mother took him to the "Great Place" palace at Mqhekezweni, where he was entrusted to the guardianship of the Thembu regent, Chief Jongintaba Dalindyebo. He didnot see his mother lony year. In1933 Mandela began his secondary education at Clarkebury Methodist High School in Engcobo .In 1939 Mandela began work on a BA degree at the University of Fort Hare.He helped to found a first-year students' house committee which challenged the dominance of the second-years,and at the end of his first year became involved in a Students' Representative Council boycott against the quality of food, for which he was suspended from the university; he never returned to complete his degree . He dose not complete his degree .
 He started studying  Law in University of the Witwatersrand . There ware only he was a black student . and other student was disturbing him .In August 1943 Mandela marched in support of a successful bus boycott to reverse fare rises. Joining the ANC .Mandela met Evelyn Mase, a trainee nurse , Entering a relationship and marrying in October 1944.
After taking part in the unsuccessful protest to prevent the forced relocation of all black people from the Sophiatown suburb of Johannesburg in February 1955,
 Mandela concluded that violent action would prove necessary to end apartheid and white minority rule.[93] On his advice,
 Sisulu requested weaponry from the People's Republic of China, 
which was denied. Although the Chinese government supported the anti-apartheid struggle,
 they believed the movement insufficiently prepared for guerilla warfare.
 With the involvement of the South African Indian Congress, the Coloured People's Congress,
 the South African Congress of Trade Unions and the Congress of Democrats, the ANC planned a Congress of the People,
 calling on all South Africans to send in proposals for a post-apartheid era. Based on the responses, 
a Freedom Charter was drafted by Rusty Bernstein, calling for the creation of a democratic, non-racialist state with the nationalisation of major industry.
 The charter was adopted at a June 1955 conference in Kliptown; 3,000 delegates attended the event, 
which was forcibly closed down by police.[95] The tenets of the Freedom Charter remained important for Mandela, 
and in 1956 he described it as "an inspiration to the people of South Africa .

In 27 April 1995 South Africa celebrating his first  Freedom day .This freedom can't possible without  Nelson mandala. Nelson Mandela in 1990  was awarded Bharat Ratna .South African  are also called  as Mahatma  Gandhi for his freedom fighter.